viernes, 4 de marzo de 2011

A Different Person

I am now a different person than when I first arrived in Argentina.  I have been here now seven months and I see the world differently.  The people of Argentina have transformed my world view dramatically in how to live life, respect life, and basically just have fun and not take things too seriously.

I have lived in the same house in the same barrio the whole time I have been in Buenos Aires.   The people of the barrio are kind, gentle and sweet people.  They know me now.  I am the foreigner guy who lives in their hood.

I have been accepted with open arms and kindness.

People who know me know that I love to ride the busses.  I have wandered and traveled all over Buenos Aires.  I know the city now almost like the back of my hand.  Funny, if you read my earlier posts you will see my struggling with my book of maps of the city, wondering where I was, because the city is not an easy one to meander as it has a pie shape that is kind of bizarre.

The key to knowing your way around Buenos Aires as you walk kilometers and kilometers are the trains.  The trains in BA are the waterways in Holland.  They guide you from point A to point B and if you know what side of the train line you are on, you know where you are in the city.  Clearly, I no longer need my map.

The language is beautiful, challenging and a life long process.  I am now able to write in Spanish, with the help of my calculator friend called Google translate.  It is my guide to writing, and a template for the words that go on the page.  I still can not write quickly in Spanish, but the words do now flow a bit better, and the spoken word tambien.

I am a changed person.  I like who I am better now.  I like seeing the world through different purple colored glasses, instead of rose colored glasses.  As I have continued to write in my blog, the one theme has been appreciation for the opportunity to come to South America and really live here.  To get to know the people.  But most importantly for me, it has been satisfying the burning desire I have had in my heart for many years to come down here.  It was a long time in coming, but once you finally do the thing in your life that you always wanted to do, a peace sets in like no other.

It does not matter what that thing is, for all people on the planet that thing is something different.  For me, it was coming to South America and living.  And I thank the universe for giving me the opportunity to do just that.

2 comentarios:

Kathabela dijo...

I know that you are away
but not in feeling.
I wrote about three pictures of you
now there are two
maybe one
eso no viene al caso
ya llegamos
a estas alturas
en realidad
amigo mio

Sharon dijo...

Buenos días, Señor Persona Diferente,

I am happy that you have kind, gentle and sweet people in your barrio. I stand in wonder that they are so good that they have transformed your world view dramatically and your ideas on how to live. Few, if any, have ever affected me that deeply. I, too, have been accepted in my barrio, I might say with open arms.

“I like who I am better now,” you say. You “really live here,” in Buenos Aires. And “peace sets in like no other.” You “thank the universe for giving the opportunity.” These are strong heaven-like words, and I hope the last. I really do.

There are islands near Buenos Aires where cars cannot go, only boats, I hear. Where people live secluded lives. I would escape there if I were you, and leave it all behind. At least for a month. But you are there and I am escaped in the Oregon woods. You write about people; I write about trees. You will stay, it seems; I will go home.